Have you ever ran into a wall because you were so excited to see someone? I have. A few weeks ago, my friend came home for a visit, and I just happened to be in her basement. That's not as creepy as it sounds, I promise! (Although, I can see why you were worried.) When I heard her come in upstairs, her little sister and I raced to the door to try to get to her first. I lost. Plus, I rammed my hip into the door-jam at top speed. Granted, my top speed isn't quite as fast as that of others I know, but it still hurt. A lot. I mention this because today, two and a half weeks later, I discovered that I still have the bruise. While I've had plenty of entertainment checking my bruise every day for new colors, I think it's about time it said goodbye. This bruise is going down. Except, the more I think about it, the more I think that violence is not the way to get rid of a bruise. In fact, it only makes it stronger. That creates a dilemma... Hmmm... Ah! I know! I'm going to love this bruise away. There's nothing a bruise hates more than love and fruit! Now that I have that settled, I will continue...
Today is Day One of the Thirty-Day Challenge. Today's assignment? Write fifteen random facts and post a recent picture. Both of myself. This is the narcissistic post. It should be fun!

Today is Day One of the Thirty-Day Challenge. Today's assignment? Write fifteen random facts and post a recent picture. Both of myself. This is the narcissistic post. It should be fun!

<--This picture was taken by Saya, one of my dearest friends in the world. The other girls in the picture are also amazing. Can't you just tell?! Trust me, these are books that you can judge from the cover. They're just as beautiful on the inside. :-)
1. I actually like being short. Sure, I argue with my friends about who's the shortest, but that doesn't mean I don't like my shortness. It makes me feel more sneaky. Ish.
2. When I was little(r), I didn't like going to the bathroom. It just seemed like a waste of time when I could be doing other things! I would hold it as long as I possibly could, which resulted in a pretty amazing potty dance. (My older brother has compared it to "Lord of the Dance"). Sometimes I still have to do the dance.
3. I had a lisp for a really long time. I even had to go to speech therapy when I was younger. Lately, I've notice that the lisp comes back when I'm incredibly nervous. It's more than a little obnoxious.
4. The only creative thing I can do is come up with puns. But not just out of the blue. No, I'm not that skilled. But when people need help coming up with a pun for answering (or asking) someone to a dance, I'm pretty much pro. Just sayin'.
5. Rain is my favorite. Always.
6. Mashed potatoes have been my favorite food for as long as I can remember. Even longer than green's been my favorite color. (I went through pink, blue, and purple phases. Eek.)
7. I come from a very short family. There are three people tied for "Tallest in the Family". My father, my older brother, and my oldest sister are all 5'5''. (In-laws don't count. Jay's 6'5''.)
8. (Green) Duct tape can fix anything. Except emotional stuff. For that, ice cream.
9. The Thin Mint (chocolate) ice cream from Dreyer's is an embarrassingly huge weakness for me. I could eat it pretty much always.
10. Last summer, my father and I went through a Rocky Road (Dreyer's) ice cream phase. We ate, between the two of us, at least two containers per week. My dad is lactose-intolerant.
11. I don't believe that anyone can ever out-grow bubbles or play-dough.
12. You know all the mail from colleges that seniors get? I'm starting to miss it...
13. Even though I have been Claravis(super acne medicine)-free for almost two months now, I am still a chapstick addict. I only carry one tube in my pocket, though!
14. Although I have always wished differently, I have never been good at climbing trees. I can handle the one in my front yard, but that's about it. I'm going to have to practice...
15. I have a super white spot on my front tooth. I call it my tooth freckle. Even though I could easily get it fixed (as my father is my dentist), I don't want to. I like the imperfection in my teeth. Don't get me wrong, I love pretty teeth, but I just don't want them too perfect...
Wow. Fifteen random, irrelevant, and not-so-interesting facts about myself! Unfortunately, they probably tell a little too much about myself... :-D
15. I have a super white spot on my front tooth. I call it my tooth freckle. Even though I could easily get it fixed (as my father is my dentist), I don't want to. I like the imperfection in my teeth. Don't get me wrong, I love pretty teeth, but I just don't want them too perfect...
Wow. Fifteen random, irrelevant, and not-so-interesting facts about myself! Unfortunately, they probably tell a little too much about myself... :-D